Mother's Day Nature Walk at Hudson Highlands Nature Museum

Sat May 11, 2024
10:00am ET
Age: all ages
Price: members: $10+, nonmembers: $12+
Hudson Highlands Nature Museum

Join Environmental Educators to learn all about mothers and babies of the animal kingdom. Explore the fields and ponds to see if you can spot some amazing mothers in nature and seek out the sights and sounds of Spring on a guided walk along the stroller-friendly trails. After our nature walk, each family will plant their own sunflower to take home and care for as it grows. 

Feel free to bring a picnic lunch for after the program and sit at the tables in the pavilion to enjoy the view of the Outdoor Discovery Campus cloaked in spring colors! This event is perfect for families and anyone eager to introduce children to the wonders of the outdoors. It's an easy walk suitable for all skill levels, making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Rain or shine.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.